Entries by Aaron Siegel

Blueprints and Fires

After a year or so of writing smaller-scale instrumental and choral works for single events, I have returned to my opera-in-progress, Brother Brother. I am sharing excerpts from this work in June at the Industry’s First Take event in Los Angeles and have begun to plan for a premiere performance of the full piece sometime […]

Organizing Through Drawing

Often, as I am beginning to work on a new piece, I have to think about what it will look like before I begin to describe in musical notation what it will sound like.  These are two examples of how I organize a work visually before I get started with the process of writing.  They […]

The Collector – In Progress

I am working on a new monodrama opera, called ‘The Collector’ for the upcoming Experiments in Opera ‘New Shorts’ event on February 9, 2013 at Issue Project Room. I am also slogging through a much larger piece, Brother Brother, so with ‘The Collector’ I have been enjoying the opportunity to create a complete world on […]

When a Question is the Answer

Does it come as a surprise to anyone who knows me or my work that I really like questions? Do you think questions are evasive? Why is it so hard to come up with a good question? Which do you prefer, a question or an answer? How can you tell the difference between the two? […]