This 90-minute opera, which was premiered by Experiments in Opera in May 2014, explores the relationship between Orville and Wilbur Wright following their first flights in 1903.  This fascinating story of family drama, business struggles and legal fights is layered over a secondary story detailing the challenges of contemporary brotherhood and the complexities of growing up with an unusual idea of brotherly intimacy.  Aaron Siegel drew on his own experiences as a twin while writing the libretto that provides both sets of brothers a range of intimate language to express their wonder in the world and in each other.  The music for Brother Brother draws on Siegel’s wide range of experiences with percussive minimalism, early music, American shape-note singing, ambient electronic music and improvised jazz. Brother Brother is a timely look at the personal side of innovation and entrepreneurial optimism in America.

Length: 90 mins
Orchestration: Soprano, Tenor, Countertenor, SATB Chorus, Flute, Viola, Cello, 2 vibraphones and glockenspiel
Date:  2014