Science is Only a Sometimes Friend was originally conceived as outdoor performance piece for eight glockenspiels and public performers. This version of the piece is inspired by the challenge of creating a specific sonic environment with live performers and, at the same time, inviting casual observers to contribute sounds of their own. The glockenspiels pulse together in steady time throughout the hour-long performance as individual pitches enter and exit the thick texture, like characters walking on and off a stark geometric stage.

The constant chiming of the glockenspiels creates a halo of harmonic activity around the performers that shifts depending upon the location of the listener. This mysterious whistle is anticipated, yet oddly vague, sometimes more present and other times hidden. The piece tests the science of attention and the counterpoint of daydreams.

The concert version of Science… is scored for eight glockenspiels and organ, which replaces the secondary contributions of the public perfomers.

The piece was premiered in 2009 at Central Park by Mantra Percussion, who also recorded it on LockStep Records.  Subsequent performances have been given by: Tigue Percussion Ensemble, Eastern Kentucky University Contemporary Music Ensemble, UNC Pembroke Percussion Ensemble, University of Alabama Percussion Ensemble, University of Nebraska at Omaha Percussion Ensemble, Chamber Cartel and collective.

Length: 45 mins
Orchestration: eight glockenspiels and organ
Date:  2013-15