Put Your Hands Together

Last Spring I participated in the FlashLight event associated with the Festival of Ideas for a New City and got to know the great people working on NuitBlanche NY. They have an annual festival called Bring to Light that features many, many video artists, musicians and performers all contributing to a huge happening event in the evening of a single night. This year’s festival will take place on Saturday October 1, 2012 in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and I am working oan a new video/performance work called “Put Your Hands Together” to share at the event. The 2-channel video installation will be projected on opposing walls and will invite onlookers to clap along to some visual cues in the video.

This is where you come in!!

I am looking for 12 people to help me by coming to lead some of the clapping on the night of the festival. There won’t be any rehearsals, just come and clap! I will sign you up for a time slot in the evening (8-10, 10-Midnight, Midnight-2AM) and then you come and enjoy yourself. Email me at [email protected] if you are interested and I will sign you up!

Put Your Hands Together at
Bring to Light NYC Festival
October 1, 2011
8:00 pm (or so) – 2:00 am
Greenpoint Brooklyn